Robert J. Allen Medical Equipment Distribution Center
Medical Equipment Needed and available
One of our obligations as Masons is to help those in need, especially a fellow brother or his family. The Medical Equipment Distribution Center does this in ways that are truly inspiring. In this troubled economy, many are without proper medical insurance or insurance of any kind. Because of sickness or unemployment, those in need of hospital beds, wheelchairs, walkers, etc. would not be able to obtain these without the help of our services! Everyone we deal with is most grateful for the services we offer, free of charge to Mason or non-Mason. We also accept donations of all types of equipment, make pickups, and deliveries. We move a lot of equipment but have one great shortage. YOU!
We have available free of charge a wide variety of equipment: Walkers - Canes - Wheelchairs - Commodes - Shower Chairs - Electric Hospital Beds - Lift Chairs - Transport Chairs - Ramps.
Please keep in mind that all equipment is distributed on a first come first serve basis. If you know of someone in need or has equipment they would like to donate, let us know and we will make the arrangements. Tax-deductible charitable receipts are available on most pieces of larger equipment. We are located at the second entrance gate at the Buttonwoods Masonic Youth Center on Long Street in Warwick.

If you are in need of medical equipment or have equipment you would like to donate contact the Medical Equipment Center cell phone at 401-451-0184.
You can also email us at