Rededication of Freemasons’ Hall
Edgardo Gonzalez-Lopez and R.W. Ray Geer, Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of RI
On Saturday, October 26th, Freemasons in Rhode Island will celebrate a very special event. Our Most Worshipful Grand Master, Andre H. Faria, Jr., will preside a beautiful ceremony commemorating the 100th anniversary of the laying of the Cornerstone of the Freemasons Hall at Taunton Ave, East Providence, RI.
A Century of Masonic Heritage
The magnificent Temple was built in 1924 for Rising Sun Lodge No. 30 and was designed by renowned architect William Gilbert Upham of Norwood, Ma. Who was a member of Orient Lodge and specialized in the design of Masonic Temples.
The original Cornerstone was laid on October 25, 1924, by the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Henry C. Dexter and it was rededicated in 1992 when Grand Lodge took ownership of the property.
The ceremony of rededication is an ancient, solemn and significant event in Freemasonry. It marks the renewal of our commitment to our principles of Truth, Relief and Brotherly Love, and the consecration of our meeting place.
Freemasons Halls: Temples of Virtue
Freemasons Halls have a long history and are rich in symbolism, they are literally Temples erected to Virtue. These buildings serve not only as the physical place where Masons meet but also as enduring material representations of our ideals.
Many Freemasons have enjoyed the brotherhood fostered within these walls. Here, they have become great leaders, shared knowledge, worked together for common goals, and nurtured their dreams. These buildings are silent witnesses to history, having seen generations of men strive to become better versions of themselves and contribute positively to the world.
These are only a few reasons why the rededication ceremony will be a very significant event. It is definitely something to witness. The ceremony is open to Freemasons of all degrees and the general public and will begin at 10 am with a procession from Haven Methodist Church on Taunton Ave to Grand Lodge.
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Freemasons Hall in East Providence